We organize, accompany or carry out measurements, prepare occupational hygiene assessments and propose measures for any improvements.

Monitoring of airborne contaminants at the workplace
  • Recording workplace concentrations (e.g. harmful substances, pharmaceutical substances, highly active substances, cytostatics)
  • Recording of indoor air quality (e.g. climatic parameters, odours)
  • Verification of the effectiveness of technical protective measures and performance verification of technical systems (e.g. isolator, glovebox, chapels) using recognized methods (e.g. SMEPAC)
Fit testing
  • Carrying out quantitative fit testing by a competent specialist.
  • We interpret the results.
  • We advise on choosing the right respiratory protection. Either in-house or in our office in Rheinfelden

Every first Monday of the month we carry out quantitative fit-testing at our office in Rheinfelden.

The exact dates for the current year and the registration form can be found here.